Italian Sausage, Red Lentil & Spinach


1 jar = 1 quart = about 2 servings

Basic ingredients: Italian sausage, onion, garlic, organic chicken stock, red lentils, tomatoes, organic spinach, salt and pepper.

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Excerpts from Diary of a Soup Fairy
February 25, 2017
My wings, having had a busier soup season than anticipated, have grown tired. I’ve decided that I need a workout that will help give me the strength and energy to make it through the end of this soup season. I signed up for a barre class with a local Workout Fairy. The class is souper early! All the other fairies say, “If you workout early then you are done with it and have the entire rest of your day to flit around.” I hope they are right.

February 27, 2017: barre class, 5:45 a.m.
I slowly glided into class today with my sleep-ridden eyes and best attitude I could muster. Most of the fairies there looked sleepy. One though, stood out. She looked extremely friendly and wore one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen (especially for someone up before the sun). Realizing I had a) signed up for a ballet bootcamp and b) put my stretch pants on inside out, I chose a spot next to the Smiling Fairy. I figured her energy would help get me through this class. It was about halfway through class when the Smiling Fairy turned to me, took a long sniff in my direction, and whispered… “Mmmmm, you smell so good.” I scowled at her as she continued, “You smell like onions and garlic and… soup! You smell like soup!” It made me laugh. I hadn’t realized the smell of soup was coming out of my pores. In talking to her I realized what a very busy fairy she is. She was just as tired as I was but that didn’t keep her from wearing a smile this morning. I think I’ll make Smiling Fairy’s favorite soup this week…